Wisconsin Weather Service ($4.99/mo)

In Fall of 2020 I made the difficult decision to stop offering paid memberships on WISCONSINWX.COM. I lost interest in forecasting and could not find the energy to keep going. Today I find myself in a much better place and although I won't be able to be who I was, I'm excited for what we could build here together. So FREE MEMBERSHIPS ARE BACK! Let's have some fun!

I can't wait to see where this leads!

Thank you & God Bless.
Justin Poublon (JP)

Our Membership Weather Service is perfect for:
Weather Enthusiasts Farmers and Ag WeatherBusiness OwnersSnow RemovalConstructionHunting and FishingSnowmobilersStorm ChasersSpecial EventsPhotographers

Register Today! Frequently Asked Questions

Full list of member services below!

Member Services

WIWX/NWS STORM ALERTS - National Weather Service warning, watch, and advisories alerts. WWW.WISCONSINWX.COM Advanced Warning notifications via email or SMS/text msg to give you extra preparation time. Up to three locations.
SMS/TEXT MSG UPDATES - live updates over SMS/Text Msg or email.
SEND STORM REPORTS - let your neighbors know how much snow you got or if you are seeing dangerous weather conditions with our report tool!
DISCUSSION BOARD - Partake in weather related discussion from members across the state!
WISCONSIN SIGNIFICANT REPORTS - receive SMS/text messages when significant severe weather is reported in Wisconsin.
ACHIEVEMENTS - get recognized for storm reports and accomplishments as you interaction with the website!
VERIFIED HISTORICAL RECORDS - Historical snowfall, rain, temp, radar loops, maps, and data. Over 100 years of easy to use records available.

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