TUE 8:53AM - Pulled zones slightly further north, pushed to STRONG across southern WI. Isolated strong storm threat.
MON 9:10AM - Chance of a strong storm across southern WI during the afternoon and evening on Tuesday (model timing differences). Storm coverage will be isolated to scattered. Unidirectional profile on soundings HOWEVER nice speed shear with height thanks to strong upper level trough moving through. Around 35kt 0-3Km shear. Instability is weak for this time of year...perhaps reaching 2,000 j/kg in far SW WI. Effective instability is relatively weak so I think we will see weaker smaller cells than normal. You might have an over-performer or decent opportunity despite the parameters.
Small chance of a funnel clouds due to partial stretching? Threats overall low to very low.
I don't anticipate an increase in concern level.