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Wisconsin Weather

Dry Weather Pattern Holding

This fall has been drier than recent years for the heart of Wisconsin. Over the last 60 days.

HPRCC Precip departure from average shows -3
HPRCC Precip departure from average shows -3" to -4.5" through central Wisconsin

I have noticed several cloudy days. This pattern is quietly dipping into winter.

The next week is unlikely to bring significant rainfall or precipitation. Considering how dry it's been while understanding our climate ebbs and flows, one might expect a pattern change to soon follow.

7 day Precip anomaly forecast on the dry side across the eastern US.
7 day Precip anomaly forecast on the dry side across the eastern US.

Large low pressure systems that bring soaking rains avoided our state when we typically see them, in October. I'm curious to see how this winter goes. Will it be drier and colder than recent years? Who knows but we will soon find out!



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