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Wisconsin Weather

JUN 18, 2020 | Strong T-storms in Far Western Wisconsin Tonight

LAST UPDATE : JUN 18, 2020

THU 9:00AM - No changes. T-storms will washout overnight. Scattered showers & maybe a storm redevelop Friday.

WEDS 9:30AM - THU PM - Weak/moderate instability builds during the afternoon across MN, west of Eau Claire. Shear vectors somewhat veered in the Minneapolis, MN region suggest some organization. Overall shear magnitude is weak, on the order of 20-30kts. Most of the short range models this morning show storms organizing into a line structure by the time they reach the Mississippi River. The 12Z NAM brought discrete cells through the MSP region touching the Mississippi River so let's keep that on the table. Overall...strong/severe storms are possible. I think concern is LOW given weak dynamics/wind fields. Large hail and strong winds potential.

The storms will wash out after arriving in western Wisconsin with NO THREAT for continuation into eastern half of the state. This is very typical setup of this region/time of year. Storms will be tied to narrow/lanky instability axis limited to MSP/MS River zone. Minor redevelopment may occur in the north Friday AM, and perhaps in the east FRI PM.

storm graphic created WEDS AM 6/17
storm graphic created WEDS AM 6/17

TUE 11:30 AM - Getting ahead of the next t-storm chance which appears to be low risk atm. Most likely staying west of Wisconsin until the overnight or early Friday AM hours. T-storms could wash out across western WI.

Rain showers or t-storm chance on FRIDAY in the eastern part of the state.

Forecast Maps

Storm Details

Strong T-Storms
THU 12:00 PM - Jun 18, 2020
FRI 6:00 AM - Jun 19, 2020
Confidence Level
Storm Class


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